Friday, February 04, 2005

"We Write the Wrong"

I met with my Bible as Literature professor today. We talked paper/project. He's really interested in my ideas and lent me one of his books to read. I'm terrified I'll bend a page or something and he'll fail me. But I got to hang out in his office in the F Smith building, which I should do more often. I saw some books by Elie Wiesel, so maybe I'll nip over another time and wheedle them out of him. And finally stop by Dr. Carter's office. Anyone who relates logic to kissing is worthy of not only my time and my attention, but also my intense adoration.

I've also spoken recently to a lot of people on the subject of various papers. That's what happens when all your friends go to college, they write a lot and complain about it. I probably complain the most, but maybe that's only how it seems to me because I get to witness all the internal complaints on my side, but not on everyone else's side.

Anyway, people like to ask me for advice on their papers. Which is valid, I have experience with the paper writing, and being an English major, it's a specialty of mine. My advice: make as many cool allusions as possible. For instance, my paper on Utilitarianism? I totally talked about Harry Potter in the introduction.

That's right. Harry Potter and Utilitarianism. My next attempt? Jacob from Genesis and The Cheat from

I can hardly stand myself.


Blogger Sam said...

This is just a sampling:

"Definition of a Kiss"

Professor of Economics: Kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply.

Professor of Philosophy: Kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.

There are a bunch of other ones, but econ was my favorite and I dedicate the philosophy one to Liz.

11:00 AM  
Blogger juxtaposer said...

This is one of the reasons why I go over to Sam's apartment and leave messages on her white board that say Sam = hot. And Nate turns them into Sam 4 hot call xxx-xxxx and ask for Nate or Liz.

12:06 PM  

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