Sunday, November 21, 2004

"I'll Tell You I'm Sorry"

Apologies are worthless if you don't know what you're apologizing FOR. There is nothing more insincere than a blanket apology; how do you know you're really sorry for something unless you've confronted it and felt pain for it?

That said, I think sometimes it is possible to just apologize generally AND be sincere. Knowing that something, somehow is wrong, and you might be the cause... living with that uncertainty, and that guilt, and knowing the person you have probably wronged is someone you would never, ever intentionally hurt, and believed you COULD never intentionally hurt....

I won't even start making excuses. But as soon as I can, I will begin making restitution, if that's even acceptable. The last thing I ever wanted to do was add more pain. Please believe that.


Blogger juxtaposer said...

Why, I do believe it was you, Nick. Thanks again :)

3:51 AM  
Blogger juxtaposer said...

And another thank you should go out to you, Art. Thank you for being there and caring when no one could reasonably demand anything of you. Thank you for being selfless and honest and dedicated. Oh, and you're half-right. About my post. I'll attribute that to your anti-arrogant stance.

1:46 PM  

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