Friday, October 15, 2004

"The Home That I Used to Live In"

I have a new name: Slackie. It has nothing to do with my being a slacker and everything to do with a boy and a very fake British accent. It had me laughing for hours.

I laughed all the way through Brit Lit and the painfully boring sonnets. I laughed all the way through French, but that's because my teacher is a crack-up. French people sometimes have a sense of humor. Who knew? N'écrase aucun piéton! Yes, I'm looking at you.

I was still laughing when I trudged the well-worn steps up to my fifth floor. Yes, my. But they're actually not that well-worn past the fourth floor. Jamie and I have made it our goal to single-handedly change that fact. Do you know how beautiful the mountains look when they're glowing red from the setting sun? I adore Provo sunsets. One day last year, about this same time, I was sitting in the Jesse Knight Building, calmly reading Cicero, and my friend barges in, grabs my arm, and drags me outside, asking me if I had seen the sunset. Was I indignant at this treatment? Oh, yes I was. I was ready to hit him if he didn't explain himself soon, and then... and then... I have a picture of it. My breath literally caught in my throat. We were silent as we walked back into the building ten minutes later. Well, silent until he asked me what the reading assignment was. I hope he's having fun in Australia and not getting eaten by kangaroos. And those of you who know me well know exactly the laugh I just laughed as I pictured him being devoured by kangaroos. The sadistic, crazy laugh.

I have no idea where I was going with this, but the fact of the matter is, I love M&M's. I can't stop eating them.


Blogger Taylor Hellewell said...

I love how your amazin' maze-like mind works. Yay!

12:26 PM  
Blogger Taylor Hellewell said...

Oh, and I don't think I've had an M&M since a few years ago . . . hehe.

7:03 PM  

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