Thursday, December 15, 2005

Yet Another Post About Studying. It's Like I Can't Do Anything Else.

Here's to spending the day skimming over the first half of the Old Testament. How many other college students have classes like this -- and go in to see their professor of religion on a regular basis like I do?

I just miss getting to mull over the deep questions, and so few people seem willing to go there. These days, anyway. I won't always have finals to break my brain, so I have to seek after my own tough questions to mull over.

What I'm really trying to do is justify the fact that I've spent all day in my room as well as the fact that I actually really enjoy writing essays on a strict time table. One of these days, maybe I'll even have real friends to play with and take me away from my pile of books. Maybe?


Blogger jacob said...

Yeah, my brain feels num. It's nights like these that I wish I drank caffine. What am I going to do when I graduate and no longer be forced to stay up all night?

Yeah, I'm blogging just to break up the monotony of studying. It is a good distraction, no?

Good luck with finals!

5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah... I recall I was supposed to pull you away from the books tonight. But instead I went to Salt Lake with my Al and didn't end up home till 2am. But Narnia was good...really. I actually liked it.

Anyway, I guess we could still hang out Friday but I've got some wierd news about that too. Good luck on the rest of your week.

5:21 AM  
Blogger juxtaposer said...

Jacob - don't do it. Don't go for the caffeine. It's gross stuff. If you really need to stay up all night, well, come talk to me privately.

Jared Mooney - I cried all night, I'll have you know. Or, um, gave up studying, burst into the living room where my roommate was innocently doing her work, and forced her into staying up with me all night. It was fun, and you weren't invited anyway. And I want to hear your news about Friday. Are you getting married? Is that it?

Aaron - I hope you'll be home tomorrow, because I'll bring it by for ya. Cheers!

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm getting married on Friday. Wanna hang out before my nuptuals?

1:06 AM  

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