Thursday, November 23, 2006

Soon Will Be Thanksgiving Day, Gobble Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving's here, which is a pretty big holiday in my family, what with the Pilgrim ancestors who came over on the Mayflower (and fell off and were rescued) and all. It's just me and Mom and the Pon, and the Pon is working until 5:30, so Mom and I went to the temple visitor's center today to watch the Joseph Smith movie.

It was incredible, we cried, we wandered around the visitor's center and looked at the trees - and lo and behold, there on the wall was the "Howland Family History" (John Howland being said relative who came over and fell of of the Mayflower). Yep, yep, we're a pretty impressive family, all things considered, so don't even worry about it being a little depressing that our Thanksgiving gathering is so small this year.

After all, I get to spend time with my mother, the woman who, today, put mail out, and after we came back from our daytrip sighed and took it out of the mailbox saying, "I guess the mailman's not coming today." "It's thanksgiving, Mom." "I know, so?" "It's a federal holiday!" "What's that got to do with it?" What's that got to do with it, indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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