I've never trusted the Pacific Northwest. A bunch of tree-hugging, coffee-swilling hippies who mostly can't pump their own gas. Plus, they have a shady look about them; probably from the way their beady little eyes dart around. All of this put together, though, isn't concrete enough to express my distrust.*
Now, though -- now, I've found something I can put my finger on. I can put my finger on it and say "Aha! THIS! This is why I'm glad to have been banned from the region! This is why I sleep with one eye open, an aluminum baseball bat curled in my arms in case that crazy Oregonian I live with gets any ideas! This is what has caused my deep-rooted phobia!"**
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... the lingonberry.
What the heck? I was at IHOP last night with Gene, getting pancakes for dinner, and I wanted crepes, so I was looking at their selections. Well, they offered Swedish crepes with lingonberries and lingonberry butter. Um, no. Do not offer me imaginary food. There is no such thing as a lingonberry. I mean -- really? I've heard of strawberries and blueberries and raspberries and boisonberries, but LINGONberries? What is that nonsense? So I texted Google (thank goodness for unlimited texting), and found out I could buy 14 oz. for $6.50 from somewhere. Okay, thanks for nothin' Not Quite Real Google On My Phone. I almost asked our waitress what a lingonberry was, but, well, the interviewing process for waitressing positions at IHOP isn't quite exactly EXTENSIVE if ya know what I mean (read: she was just plain dumb; sweet, but dumb), and then I almost asked her if she could just maybe bring me one, but I am a wimp and never asked.
So I googled it for reals this morning, and turns out it's a dried ground cranberry.
Crazy dried ground cranberries and those crazy Pacific Northwesterners that "consider this fruit to be an important diet staple."***
* It's sad that I have to point this out, but I'm just kidding. For those who get way too into their Pacific Northwesterness and can't realize someone is joking.
** I'm still just kidding. I'll let you know if I ever stop. Though my roommate (hi, Jennifer!) really is crazy.
*** http://lingonberry.com/info.htm